CEO:"Okay folks, you're in a board meeting so there's no excuse for you to get bored. C'mon, I need you to suggest any new products we can offer"
Creative Staff1:"How about mobile phones?!?"
CEO:"Bright idea! As if none of us have thought of that. Besides, Mr.Jobs seem to have permeated the mobile phone industry with his i..iProducts. I'm beginning to think he produced and directed the movie iRobot. Anyway, any other ideas?"
Creative Staff2:"Digital Cameras! ...sounds good ehh?"
Have you noticed that most electronics manufacturing companies nowadays are jumping into either digital cameras or mobile phone business? You might've heard of GE's digital cameras before. Yes, you read it right.. GE, your flourescent lamp and/or your fridge' brand. This company has unveiled more digital camera lines.
Here's one of 'em.

(image courtesy of GIC)
Well, competition among digital electronics manufacturers could mean a wide array of great new products to choose from :)
Hooray for modern tech! hehe, actually I'm talking about the devotion I read this morning. Check it out below. God bless y'all!
- Jep c",)
Today's Devotion
March 10
Hooray for Modern Technology!
Sing for joy, O heavens, for the Lord has done this; shout aloud, O earth beneath. Burst into song, you mountains, you forests and all your trees, for the Lord has redeemed Jacob, he displays his glory in Israel (Isaiah 44:23).
Scripture: Isaiah 44:21-28
Song: "Shout to the Lord"
We know people misuse the Internet-looking at the wrong things, talking to the wrong people. But it's great to use our computers for good things, isn't it? Many of us conduct business from our homes through the Internet. Research is simplified. We can buy and sell. And e-mail helps us stay in close touch with loved ones.
It's exciting, as well, to use computers to enjoy the magnificent things God is doing. Some churches and radio programs broadcast their services live, shows that can also be accessed later through video archives.
I love using the Internet to see what God is doing in churches all over the world. Using Google, I access God-tube and You-tube to see church worship teams playing a variety of music. I sing and worship with them. Mime and drama teams perform gospel truths right on my screen.
As with most everything God has created or allowed, it can be used for the good or the not-so-good. Computers are no exception. Let us use them for the glory of God.
Thank You, Lord, for the wonderful opportunities the Internet provides. May I use it only for good purposes, promoting the values of Your kingdom and growing in knowledge of Your will. Through Christ, amen.
(This devotion is from the book, 365 Devotions)
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