RED: Luck or Love?

I just read today in yahoo news why the color "RED" symbolizes luck. (I saw the news article earlier, but I dunno why it was removed. Actually they just put up a link to this article from Yahoo!Answers)

Some people may find it interesting and enlightening particularly those who are more than curious about how certain things came to be. It's a cultural belief that anybody may find easy to embrace especially if their ancestors were following the same traditions.. if it's in their bloodline, so to speak. While others wouldn't even care about such -- they'll just accept and follow because it's the norm.

Red is a very strong & passionate color. It may represent love or perhaps connote conflict. Red is the color of successful Singapore. We see a lot of red-colored items in February, as well as during Decemeber. Red is also the color of our blood -- and we know same is true even if you have royal blood :)
In scripture we'll find a very significant story (yes, not from any tales nor legends) about a blood that has been shed for us. A blood of the covenant. A blood of love.

Matthew 26:28 says, "For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remmision of sins"

So, would you bank on luck in finding life and success? Or would you rather be guided by His love and naturally receive abundance?

Which would you rather declare, "I must've been very lucky I survived that ordeal," or "I'm protected, loved, and blessed I survived that agonizing test"

I believe things happen for a reason. In John 9:1-3 we'll find this story,
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.

God created us in His own image and likeness, by His grace and faithfulness. We're here NOT out of chance, but of love.. unconditional love :)

Try to think of any phrase, title of a song, or a name that has the word "red" and replace it with either "luck" or "love." Which of the two sounds better? =)

God bless y'all! Ciao! c",)

Here's an interesting read: What about Luck(?)

Faithful and True
Artist: Marc Taylor & Jennine Henderson

I know the thoughts that You think towards me.
Thoughts of peace and not of evil.
You sent Your Son to die for me.
To be my future and my hope.

Lord You are faithful, and I will call to You.
You're always there when I need You.
And in this life, when the world falls down,
Lord You alone are faithful and true.

Jesus said "I go to prepare a place,
That you could always be with Me.
And when I come back,
I'll take you home, for all eternity."

Lord You are faithful, and I will call to You.
You're always there when I need You.
And in this life, when the world falls down,
Lord You alone are faithful and true.

You will wipe away all my tears.
Dry my eyes and calm my fears.
This is the promise that you have made,
When the former things have passed away.

Lord You are faithful, and I will call to You.
You're always there when I need You.
And in this life, when the world falls down,
Lord You alone are faithful and true.


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