Previously on 24..

The following takes place between 11:15am and 1:30pm
Events occur in real time.

How's life? was the opening question in our Dept. meeting this morning.
And since it's 45 minutes away from lunch hour, nobody responded. There were murmur in different corners, probably coming from the tummies of those people who skipped the important meal of the day, nyehehe.

And as the meeting stretched 'til a quarter before 1 pm, the grumbling tummies roared like angry lions. As the facilitator concluded with a warm Thank You at the end of his slide, and directed us towards delectable dishes, the howling suddenly reverberated like a lost sheep who found his way home. And we were all filled leaving only the silver trays... empty.

The following takes place between 9pm and 10pm
Events occur in real time.

As the elevator door rolled open, I was greeted with a lovely smile by my landlord's li'l daughter with her playmates, and she said.. "Good evening Kuya Jeff! Go and have some dinner inside." I responded with a big smile, then my still full tummy immediately pushed, from small intestine into the large intestine, the still-being-processed food I digested earlier on my way home. Then I blurted out silently.. "Wow! again, food served gratis!" =)

Okay, okay, enough of this 24 episodes. I'm just glad I didn't have to spend a cent on heavy meals today (kase nagtitipid ako! haha). I'm hoping tomorrow will be another blissful day :)

I guess this is the first time I talked about nothing but happy eating. Whether or not I'm making sense, I don't care, as long as my stomach is packed to the gunwales with food, haha!


Now I'm back to the real 24 adventure. G'nyt and God bless! c",)


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