Good morning

If you were to describe your daily life in emoticons, are they like these?

Mon :-|
Tue :-(
Wed :-((
Thu :-/
Fri :-)
Sat :-$
Sun ;-)

I’m sure most of you can relate to some of these. But what if we render these emoticons instead:

Mon :-)
Tue :-)
Wed :-)
Thu :-)
Fri :-)
Sat :-)
Sun :-)

Too good to be true, isn’t it? Yet possible.
For everything that God created is wonderful :)

Some might argue, “But how about those gloomy days? Or the dreadful days? Because I’m pretty sure people experiences such”

Yup, that’s true. Only a small fraction of what we did today may be the same tomorrow but each day will be different from another. Hence, some people have these so-called Gloomy/Rainy days and Happy/Sunny days. And though we may have no control over some things that takes place during the day, but we surely have control over how we respond to them. No matter how dull or awful your day may seem, you can always have the option to turn things another way.

If your boss gets mad at you for bein’ late even just for a minute (okay I’m exaggerating it, hehe) because of uncontrolled situations like you missed the train, or someone cut you off while driving, how you respond emotionally (not physically, of course, haha) matters a lot.

We live in a troublesome world and bad things do happen. The enemy is roaming around seeking someone to devour by trying to disfigure our mind. A good response maybe as simple as acknowledging the presence of our mighty Savior through a simple gesture like thanking Him for such a pleasant day each morning. In doing so, He will definitely send His legions of angels to protect you from enemy attacks -- disappointments, confusions, uncontrolled temper, negative thoughts, or any unhealthy feeling.

Do you remember the story about the Philippian Jailer, when Paul & Silas were in prison and the earthquake shook open the prison doors and broke their chains? The jailer drew his sword and was about to kill himself, for fear that the prisoners might’ve fled. And Paul shouted not to harm himself assuring that all prisoners are still inside. What if Paul and the rest of the prisoners took their chance & escaped? What if the jailer killed himself before Paul sees him? Well, the end of that story was good, for they chose to respond in a good way. They were in control of their emotions.. emotions not corrupted by the enemy but blest by God.

So start your day right, smile, relish every moment with thanksgiving, and by the end of the day you might be surprised by how awesome your day has been :)

“For everything that God created is good..”(1Tim4.4)

Have a great week ahead! c",)


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