I Promise

While walking down the park with friends heading towards hawker to have our dinner (after a tiring but fun badminton game -- kaya bale wala yun pawis sa dami ng nakain namin! haha), we talked about how we appreciated and got inspired by the song we heard earlier in the service entitled "Part the Seas."

Someone said she sounded like Jaci Velasquez, a contemporary Christian Latin Pop singer, and I concurred. Since I don't have the lyrics of that song played earlier, I'm just gonna share this piece from Jaci Velasquez instead.

..But before that, commercial muna.. I just wanna share this very very short story -- a funny conversation between Man and our Maker. It goes..

Man: Lord, how long is a million years to you?
Lord: My Son, that's just one minute
Man: Wow! that fast? How much is one million to you?
Lord: It's just a dollar, My Son.
Man: Whoah! That's great! Can I ask then for a dollar? :)
Lord: Okay, I'll give it to you in a minute

Hehe, kidding aside, of course God is true to His promises.
All He expect from us is to continue to believe, and just be glad, for He hears us. And in His perfect time, He will grant whatever it is we're prayin' for :)

G'nyt and enjoy the song!

Artist: Jaci Velasquez

Lord You know my heart and all my desires
and the secret things I'd never tell
Lord You know them well
Though I may be young I see and understand
that at times like sheep we go astray
and things get out of hand

So I promise to be true to You
To live my life in purity as unto You
Waiting for the day when I hear You say
"Here is the one I have created just for you"

Until then Oh Lord, I will be content
knowing that true love will come some day
It'll only come from You
cause I have seen the suffering
that loneliness can cause
When we choose to give our love away
without a righteous God

So I promise to be true to You
to live my life in purity as unto You
waiting for the day when I hear You say
"Here is the one I have created just for You"


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